Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

I know you have all been holding your breath just waiting for our Christmas card....
well you can now stop!
No Christmas card from us this year...

We hope you all had a very merry Christmas!
The Mealeys

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't get me started....

On how much I am going to miss this boy.

This week has been extremely rough...
I have cried multiple times each day, sometimes the crying has lead to sobbing.
No Joke!
I don't know why it is so much harder this year for me.
He is going up to Idaho to spend 10 days with my sister, brother in law and the girls while Eric, Emery and I are in Hawaii.

He is going to be in Heaven!

I am going to miss him so much...

Thanks Nicole and Brady.


We had a great Thanksgiving this year.
We didn't think Nicole, Brady and the girls would be able to make it but luckily the weather let up and they were able to come down! I am so glad. Too bad Jackson didn't make it, but we are looking forward to seeing him at Christmas!

We had a breakfast with my dad and Stella before they left to Grand Cayman, it was delicious!

Then we had dinner up at my moms. I absolutely love Thanksgiving dinner!
I could have it every week!

The day after Thanksgiving we headed up to Aspen Grove, by Sundance and stayed there for the night. It was so much fun. We played games, chased kids, ate lots of good food, and went sledding! I think this will be a new tradition!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday!

Today Is Eric's 30th birthday!
Really, 30?! It seems like yesterday you were 23 and we had just met!
Eric we hope you have a great day and a fabulous 30th year!
We Love you so much and couldn't ask for Anything more!
No one could ever compare! You are such an amazing Dad. Maddix and Emery love you so much and have so much fun when you play with them.
I am sO lucky that you aRe my husband. You are such an Amazing man.
Sorry we aren't abLe to spend your Actual birthday together, I promiSe I will maKe it up to you!
Have so much fun pheasant hunting and we cAn't wait to celebrate with you when you get home!
Happy 30th Birthday!

He chose IRELAND!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2 months

2 Months Old
Did I seriously just type that?
I can't believe Emery is 2 months already, time is flying by!

We had her 2 month check up today and she is doing so well
11 lbs 3 oz 75%
22 3/4 inches 75%
Head Circ. 40 cm 75%

She also got 3 shots today...I always have to Eric come at least to this first appointment cause it almost makes me more upset than it does the baby. She cried so hard and took it like a champ!

Emery has been such a fun and often times challenging baby!
She is very high maintenance, she is seldom content just hanging out.
We spend a lot of our time, bouncing, rocking, swaying, swinging, and trying to figure out what new thing we can do that will soothe her.

At the same time she has many days where she is as happy as can be! She loves to smile and coo.
It is amazing to me how much she already loves Maddix. If he is in the room and is actually paying attention to her, she smiles, coos, and follows him around (with her head) everywhere!

She sleeps ok most of the time. She seldom sleeps with me (breaks my heart a little) andusually sleeps pretty good in her own bed.
She loves, loves to eat! She actually takes bottles which is a great thing!

She really is such a sweet baby and we love her more and more each day.

Emery Loves:
Her binky! She can such on that thing so hard it leaves an indent on her face
Her bouncy chair, loves that it vibrates and loves that it gives mommy's legs a workout!
To eat and sleep! She still pretty much does this all day long.
Maddix, call me crazy but I'm sure they were best buds before coming to our family.
To look at the TV or lights
To smile and coo. She is so easily entertained
Her bath, she can spend forever in there and is always so happy.

Emery Hates:
To be put down. I hope that this goes away and that she ends up liking to be on her own a little more
When she isn't done eating or when she needs to take a break, she loses her mind until she is eating again!
To have her nose wiped, she had cold and having her nose wiped was the worst.
To get shots, made apparent by today's dr visit

We Love you sweet Emery and are so glad you are ours!

Crazy little boy

Oh how I love this little boy!
He is so much fun and is developing such a personality!
We watched Toy Story 3 for the first time the other day and now he is obsessed.
With me not feeling so hot we have watched it everyday at least 3 times a day!

One morning he came down with these boots on. Now almost everyday we wear those boots with some outfit...this day it was just a diaper!
We went to the Dinosaur museum with Cohen, Warren and Haus!
Had such a blast!
Played outside while the weather was still nice.
One of Maddix's favorite hiding places
Fishing off the couch!

Worse than Labor?

So after a fabulous night spent with Eric for our anniversary our night turned from great to terrible!

My side had been aching for a couple days but nothing too bad. After we picked up Maddix and Emery from my moms we came home and I went straight to bed. I felt like the pain in my side was getting worse and at this point was making me a little nauseated.

After sleeping for about 45 minutes I woke up and ran straight to the bathroom, where I spent the next 2 hours throwing up. I reluctantly woke up Eric and told him what was going on. After much persuasion from him we headed to the ER to see what was going on.

I continued to throw up and they gave me some pain meds, the first dose didn't do much but after the second stronger dose I fell right to sleep. They came and woke me up and took me in to do a CT of my abdomen.
After being in the ER for about 5 hours they found that I had a ton of kidney stones. Normal kidney stones measure 2-3mm, I had a couple that were that size, 2 that were 5mm and then one that was 9mm! The one that was 9 had started to move from my kidney down the urethra and that is what was causing so much pain!

They sent me home with some pain meds and told me to see a urologist on Monday.
On Monday the urologist scheduled me for surgery on Wednesday to break up the stones and push the 9mm one back up into my kidney so I could pass it.

Needless to say the last week and a half has been miserable! I will honestly say that compared to labor it was not as bad but the fact that it lasted 9 days rather than a couple hours was excruciating!
I never want Kidney stones again!!

6 Years

On November 12 Eric and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary!
Saturday the 13th we dropped the kids off at my mom and Roger's and went out for the evening.

We went to a movie, went to dinner and then had a fabulous massage at The Sanctuary!
We really did have such a great time, and a huge Thanks to my Mom and Roger for watching Maddix and Emery!

I am so lucky to be married to such an amazing man, who loves me and loves our kids!
Thanks babe for making these the best 6 years of my life!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Emery's Blessing Day

Yesterday Emery was given a name and a blessing from her daddy.

Thank you to all the family and friends who attended.

Zander was also given an amazing blessing from his dad.
These two are so cute!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


We started Halloween off this week by carving pumpkins.
Maddix would not wear any costumes so we decided that he would just wear his skeleton pj's and call it good. He looked so cute and so little in his pj's! Emery was a little Cheetah and was so warm and cuddly!
We tried to do a little trick or treating but it ended up pouring rain on us so we only lasted a few minutes at our ward trunk or treat.
Maddix wasn't so sure about it at first but as soon as he realized people were giving him candy he was all for it!

We then had a couple halloween parties. Eric won scariest costume at one and came in 3rd place for best overall at another. My costume was completely lame and came together 5 minutes before our first party! I promise next year I will come up with a killer costume!
Maddix was not scared of Eric at all, he thought he was funny.
Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First SNOW

Maddix couldn't wait to get out and play in the snow!

One Month Old

Well I can't believe she has been with us for over a month now.

Emery is such a sweet baby and we love her so much.
I am still trying to adjust to having 2 kids but it isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

At her 2 week appt she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz 50%, 20 1/4 inches 75%, Head 36.4 cm 75%
She was great and has been gaining weight like crazy! She loves to eat and eats a lot!
She has been sleeping really well at night and even in her own bed!

We have had a lot of visitors this month. My mom was here when she was born and stayed for just over a week. Then Eric's mom, Shenna, came for a week as well. It was so amazing having both of them here! Not only so they could get to meet Emery and spend time with her but for Maddix, he loved having them here. He still asks for Nana and Oma almost everyday!
Thank you to both of them for all the help and sacrifices they made to came and help!

Papa, Aunt Coley, and Uncle Jackson also came from out of town to visit too!

9 days after Emery was born her cousin, Zander, decided he couldn't wait any longer and came 3 weeks early! We are so excited that they will be so close!

She spits up a lot and also projectile vomits a lot. Yesterday we went to the dr to get it checked out. They decided that she needed to get an ultrasound done on her stomach to see what was going on. The doctors thought she may have pyloric stenosis (narrowing of the pylorus, opening from stomach to small intestine) which was causing her to throw up. Luckily she doesn't have this, they think she probably has acid reflux, so now we are on a medication to help with this. At her appt yesterday she weighed 9 lbs 6 oz. She is getting so chubby!

She goes from content to starving in a matter of seconds.
She looks exactly like Maddix as a baby.
She has 2 stork bites, one on her forehead and the other above her lip.

She already has her dad and mom wrapped around her little finger.

Emery loves:
To be swaddled. If she's not eating then she wants to be swaddled and asleep.
She likes her binky. Doesn't like to sleep with it at night but during the day she likes it.
Loves to be held! I love love holding her, she is so sweet and loves to cuddle.
Loves it when she is talked to.
Her daddy, brother, and mommy.

Emery hates:
To be put down for too long. If she is not eating or asleep she would rather be held!
Hates her hair bows, they always end up over her eyes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big Brother

Maddix has been so amazing with Emery.
He loves to help out when she is crying and loves to just sit by her and pat her stomach or head.
I knew I loved Maddix but seeing him be so sweet with Emery makes me love him even more.
Here are some other great pictures of my silly boy

Pumpkin Land

Last week we took Maddix to Pumpkin Land in Orem. They have a pumpkin patch, corn maze, lots of animals, and other fun things to do!
Maddix had a great time running through the corn maze and especially loved all the bunnies!

Thanks Mel for inviting us and Shenna for all your help!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Heart Skye!

We had another amazing experience with Skye Johansen!
These are just a few of my favorites.
She is seriously so talented...

Maddix was not loving having his picture taken at first, but then after a little while and a lot of chocolate he was ready...but only for a few pictures!

Thanks again Skye.
We Love them!