We had another amazing experience with Skye Johansen!
These are just a few of my favorites.
She is seriously so talented...

Maddix was not loving having his picture taken at first, but then after a little while and a lot of chocolate he was ready...but only for a few pictures!
Cutest stinkin kids ever!!!!!!!!! I heart them so much! Miss you everyday!! XOXOXOXO
Those pictures turned out so good! I can't believe how alike Maddix and Emery look as babies--you have such cute babies :)
That third picture is my favorite!! So precious. I can't believe you were 7 cm when you got to the hospital! You go girl!!
They are all priceless! So is amazing!
You have two of the world's cutest kids!!
I love your pictures! They are so cute! Glad everything went well.
Love them, love them, love them!!
They do look so much alike!! Such cute pictures! I'm so happy has done well with having a sister! You look fantastic too!
I love Emery's sweet head bands! What a doll!!!! We just found out we're having a girl. Due March 2nd. Did you make her hair pretties or find them somewhere?
Coming out for the holidays?
Those are ADORABLE!! I am in love with Emery's huge luscious lips!! She is beautiful and so is your family!
Such cute pictures...and you look GREAT by the way! That 2nd picture of Emery with her hands under her chin is one of the best newborn pictures I've ever seen. Love it.
Natalie, those are amazing pictures! You have such a great looking family! I am so glad everything went well and fast during Emery's birth. I can't wait to meet her!
Awwww! I'm SO GLAD you love them so much! Your kids are so beautiful, it wasn't hard to get cute pictures! Well I had to photoshop out some chocolate on Maddix's face, but really, no one needs to know.
Congratulatsions!! Emery is so beautiful!! I hope my labor is as easy as yours was! You guys have a beautiful family! :)
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