Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow, Sun, Snow

Utah has crazy weather!
One minute we have snow and another we are playing outside enjoying the sun.
We can't wait for spring but are enjoying, hopefully our last, snow!

Went on a walk to see the new baby lambs...
Building a snowman with Channing
One day Maddix thought it was warm enough to have a Popsicle!


Alli Blue said...

The weather is the same here. Warm and nice, the kids play outside... Then boom! We wake up to snow! Boo!!!!!!!!

Stephanie Gardner said...

Ya I got the winter blues today for sure.

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

Were are the lambs my kids would love to see them. I agree with you this weather is crazy.

Oma said...

having a Popsicle with snow boots on - perfect!

Chelsea said...

I can't wait for Spring either!! Em looks just like Maddix!

Rach Williams said...

3 things about this post that I Love:

(A) Maddix's CUTE coat
(B) Your kids have the cutest little faces
(C) Look at that monster-huge protein shake in the cupholder of your stroller. Look at you getting your day's worth of protein, hahhaa.

I agree with this post... GO AWAY WINTER!!!

Kevin and Janae said...

We are so ready for some outside play weather at our house!! My kids sit at the window and knock on the door... haha! Hope everything is going good with you guys! your kids are so adorable!

Mark and Lachelle said...

Yeah, I'm getting quite sick of this Utah weather too! And I agree with Maddix...let's bust out the popsicles!