Maddix Brian Mealey
Born Sunday September 7, 2008
at 9:49pm
7 lbs 1 oz
20 inches long
Well he is finally here! A little early but that's just fine with us!!
I'll tell the labor story but try to make it brief!
On Saturday night after the shower I was having a few contractions/cramping, nothing serious but I knew it was going to be a long night. So all Saturday night/Sunday morning, I was up with pains and what I later would find out were contractions.
I woke up and was bleeding a little, I was a little worried so I called the midwife that was on call and she advised me to come in and just get checked out.
So I went up to the hospital at around 9:30 am on Sunday, they checked me, I was dilated to a 2 and 90% effaced, having contractions every 5 minutes, but they weren't that strong. They told me to go home and that if I started having more intense contractions that I should come back in.
Eric and I went home and started to watch some football. My mom came up cause she was sure I would be having this baby today, I was still not convinced! My contractions continued about every 5-8 minutes but by about 4pm they were pretty strong. My mom said we should probably go to the hospital, I just started to cry! I wasn't ready, we didn't have a bag ready, our house was a disaster and I really just didn't want them to send me home again.
When we got to the hospital at about 4:30 they checked me again and I was dilated to a 4, so they told me that I was able to get an epidural at this time and it was time to get checked in!
I couldn't believe it, our little boy was actually going to be here today!
The epidural didn't work very well at first but then they gave me something a little bit stronger and it worked perfectly!
At about 6:30 I was dilated to a 6 and then by 9 pm I was dilated to a 10 and it was time to push! I started pushing at about 9:15 and Maddix was born at 9:49! My dad got there just in time.
Labor was not as hard as I thought it would be and I am so grateful for that.
It was the most amazing experience Eric and I have ever been through. Holding our little boy for the first time is something that I hope to never forget. I never knew I could love him as much or that I could love Eric any more than I already do. Seeing Eric holding me was the most touching thing and knowing that he was our little boy was overwhelming!
He has been such a good little boy, he is nursing well, sleeping fairly well, and keeps getting more and more handsome each day!
Now for the picture overload...maybe if I can stand to put him down for 5 minutes I'll update this more often!
Thanks to everyone for being such good friends and family and for all the help Eric and I have received since Maddix was born.