Friday, July 22, 2011

Mad Man Mealey

A post dedicated solely to my little man.
You have been loving life this summer. You keep me entertained all day long and are so hilarious!

Here are some things you have been up to!

You have been going to Kids Village for their summer program! You absolutely love it! You have learned about Amazing Animals, The Wild, Wild West, Campfires, S'mores, and the great Outdoors, Proud to be An American, and Under the Sea! Next you will be learning about The Enchanted Kingdom and Shovels, Pails and Grubby Fingernails!
You love being able to see your buddies! I can’t wait for you to go to preschool in the fall!

You are loving playing outside! You play on your blue plasma car and bike everyday! Most days you are the only little boy out there but that doesn’t seem to bother you. If you need some boy time you just go off by yourself or come sit with mom!

You are such a good big brother to Emery. You love playing with her, sharing your toys, giving her things to make her happy and taking care of her. You like to give her her binky, silky and baby. When she cries you always are so concerned.

You are also such a big helper with mom. You love to help me with breakfast, making cookies, cleaning up the yard, watering the plants and doing the laundry.

You miss your daddy so much. This last trip with dad being gone has been really hard for you. Everyday, multiple times a day you cry and ask for your daddy. Whenever you get hurt, sad, scared or for whatever reason you ask for him. When you see other people sad, or on TV, or Emery is crying you say, “It’s ok mommy, he/she just misses their daddy.”

You still have your binky and I am not too sure when I will take that away. Everyone I’ve talked to says that when they took the binky away their child quit napping and I am not ready for that!

You are hilarious Maddix. You are a non-stop talker and most of the time I am the only one who understands what you say.

Playing with your buddies outside
Helping mommy make cookies
Riding your bike, you are getting so good
All ready for school, you love your backpack and wear it around the house all the time
Skyping with daddy, oh how you miss him
Playing on your plasma car (skateboard) with your buddy Kyler
Swinging with sissy


jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

I love when I take him to school he says the cutest things.

Leah said...

He cracks me up! I totally understand the whole binky situation. I finally took Avery's away once she turned 3. The "binky fairy" came and she also stopped napping :(. Sad day but it had to happen!