Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday!

Today Is Eric's 30th birthday!
Really, 30?! It seems like yesterday you were 23 and we had just met!
Eric we hope you have a great day and a fabulous 30th year!
We Love you so much and couldn't ask for Anything more!
No one could ever compare! You are such an amazing Dad. Maddix and Emery love you so much and have so much fun when you play with them.
I am sO lucky that you aRe my husband. You are such an Amazing man.
Sorry we aren't abLe to spend your Actual birthday together, I promiSe I will maKe it up to you!
Have so much fun pheasant hunting and we cAn't wait to celebrate with you when you get home!
Happy 30th Birthday!

He chose IRELAND!


Alli Blue said...

Welcome to the 30 club! ;)

Oma said...

What a surprise - to see a pic of Eric as a baby when I opened your blog! Love you All!!

Mark and Lachelle said...

Happy birthday Eric! I must say, I'm totally diggin your bike riding outfit ;)

Leah said...

Love the pics! Happy 30th Eric! Man, that seems old, we are right behind ya buddy! ;)